Kathy Brasby Blog

Goats In Love: Rocket’s First Lesson

My husband and I have a little hobby farm so that I can raise goats. At least that may be how he thinks of it. He doesn't raise goats, although he has done a marvelous job of building things for the goats. But I raise goats. It used to be that goats were the ugly...

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Of Mice and Brothers

A long time ago, back when farmers plowed fields with dinosaurs, and spare parts were chiseled from rock, I worked at a tractor dealership.  There were only two women in the shop, the secretary and me. What can you say about working with a bunch of guys who have oil...

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Need To Store Some Memories?

You know how these projects get started. It’s like If You Give a Moose a Muffin. First, you want a muffin and the next thing you know, you’re buying pool noodles. Mine got started when I opened a kitchen cupboard to notice a two-quart bottle holding about two inches...

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And There Were Treasures

You may know that I have helped rehabilitate several sad houses. My sister and I work together sometimes, and other times I help out my husband, the construction genius. We have bought some forlorn houses together and given them new life. It feels good. Most of the...

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You and That Egg

As we get to know each other a little better, you may realize that I live on a hobby farm. This includes a few goats, chickens, rabbits, barn cats, and ducks. I also sometimes fix up houses with my sister to flip. A recent project was more demanding than a hungry...

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Sisters Don’t Always Get It

When Facebook added  Sibling Day to their long list of reasons to post on their social media site, I knew it was time to tell all. You might imagine my siblings are cowering as though a bomb is about to drop near them. You don’t know my siblings. They are preparing...

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A little on the wild side

There are times when a plan comes together a little too well, and my search for cats fell in that category. We have a hobby farm that includes a barn. And mice. Lots and lots of mice. Herds of mice. Pastures of mice. You think I exaggerate?  Well, I went in search of...

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Ready for a Mint Attack?

I’ve found that carrying some of my childhood assumptions into adulthood has caused me significant challenges. You knew that I’m talking about mint plants, right? In my childhood, there was a mint plant by our front steps that was so spindly and yellow that I assumed...

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When I Needed More Than A Spark

When things go wonky in our lives, we like to blame our shortcomings on our parents. My parents were pretty normal, but I’ve realized that I can blame my explosions on my dad. It’s a generation thing. Being the daughter of a farmer means that I have a plethora of...

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