The Listening Project
In the spring of 2022, my world was shattered when my husband of 32 years died unexpectedly of cancer. My life tilted out of balance. As I tried to recover my footing, I clung to God.
The messages on this page are lifted from times of listening to God (I haven’t stopped). They have helped me to heal in my grief journey. If you’re going through grief or other hardship, I hope these posts comfort you as you consider God’s kindness and love.
Do Not Stop
You have climbed a mountain. There are boulders behind. Rocks ahead. Do not stop. Do NOT stop. You have given in to discouragement and self-centered pity in the past. Do not give in again. You have a mountain to climb and others need what you are learning. Allow me...
Come, My Child
Listen to my voice. My words pierce your heart but bring healing. Let the infection gush out. Let me pour healing salve into your wounds. Let me bring healing. Of course this hurts. Pain is not evil but only a sign of a wound. You have lost a part of yourself. The two...
You Are Healing
I have helped you heal. It’s time to share. Let the petals rain over the ones battered by this world’s hurts and loss. Be my girl of vibrant colors, of delicate flowers, of graceful blossoms. Share the beauty of healing. Love them as I love you. And as I love them. To...
Welcome The Winds
Consider the blades of a windmill, spinning in the wind. Although you can’t control the wind, you can harness its power when you let the windmill blades spin. Think of the blades as your interests and abilities–gifts from me. During times of grief, you wish the blades...
Hold My Hand
The tiger roars in the forest around you, but you do not hear. The hyena growls, but you are deaf to its threats. Because I muffle the sound. I love you, dear one, and I keep you from harm. Hold my hand on this journey and I will cover you. I love you with an...
Expect Tears
I’m right here. Let me hold you close. Tears are okay. They come in love. Let regrets and loss flow. Let memories crowd your mind. You will never forget Matt. He changed your life. You changed his. You were melded together and the sudden tearing of your...
Rocks Cry Out
Do you see a cave before you? The rocks glow with yellows and oranges and pinks, with love to me. Then rugged stones sing in gentle tones, exploring their voice, praising me. Below your feet, the rock glows with each step. Within this cave,...
Photographs by Kathy Brasby. More can be seen at this site.