Listen to the music of my creation, the sounds of colors flowing into the sky.
This world is in constant change. Have you noticed?
Observe the colors and songs of the sunrise.
Note clouds frolicking across the sky. Do you see swirling snow doing celebration at midday? Heed the restful oranges and purples of the sunset.
Birds fly overhead. Rabbits skitter by in search of fresh greens.
Nothing remains the same. Sunrise. Sunset. Summer. Winter.
My world changes. My creation transforms.
Nothing is the same as yesterday.
Neither are you.
I am transforming you by pouring life and love into your heart.
Beloved, let’s embrace this day with anticipation. It will be new and it will be the music of my creation.

But the Lord made the earth by his power,
and he preserves it by his wisdom.
With his own understanding
he stretched out the heavens.
When he speaks in the thunder,
the heavens roar with rain.
He causes the clouds to rise over the earth.
He sends the lightning with the rain
and releases the wind from his storehouses.
Jeremiah 10:12-13

Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. All rights reserved.


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