From the time he decorated himself like a Christmas tree , our youngest has brought adventures to our life.

He was the one who rummaged through his father’s toolbox so that he could remove the training wheels from his bike after one day on his little bike. “Those get in the way,” he said.

I awoke once at 2 am to a noise like a strangled cat. Of course I got up.

The Digital Cat

He sat in front of  a computer screen playing with a digital cat. Do you know that when you select a digital spray bottle and squirt the digital pet cat, it squawks in a way that makes a three-year-old giggle like a pinched balloon as the air escapes.?

He knows how to hypnotize a baby rabbit and dodge a paint ball. He never has mastered the ability to separate his clean laundry from the pile of clothes on the floor but where’s the adventure in that?

I always wondered what career he’d pursue. Cat tamer? Graphic designer? Sci Fi novelist? Now he’s graduated, employed and moved out.

He loves his job. It has to do with rummaging through phone settings rather than a toolbox and teaching others how to untangle their own phones.

And he’s laundering money, too.

Truly I am thrilled. If he’s laundering money, that means he’s actually putting his clothes in the washing machine.

My work is complete.

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