My NaNoWriMo Book Progress Update

I just made progress on My NaNoWriMo Book! So far I’m 25% complete on the Week 1 phase. 22 Days remain until the deadline.
[mybookprogress progress=”0.24994″ phase_name=”Week 1″ deadline=”1669766400″ book=”2″ book_title=”My NaNoWriMo Book” bar_color=”00cc74″]

Recovering from Grief

Let me tell you a little bit about one project that I have been working on since March. I was asked to write a chapter for “Death, Where is Your Sting?” a new book from Shari Howard McMinn. The book comes out on August 30 – which is National Grief Awareness Day –  and I’ll get you an Amazon link when the book is available.

In my chapter, I shared the story of my mother’s five-year battle after a massive stroke. She died in 2017 and writing this chapter helped me honor her memory.

I hope you’ll pick up the book when it’s available. Grief is not black despair. It is suffering, no question, but suffering often can re-shape our priorities. How many times have you heard of someone, upon losing a loved one, to encourage others to reach out to their loved ones? Priorities shift our outlook – and often give us more compassion to our loved ones as well as come alongside others grieving.

It’s good preparation and I encourage you to consider the book.



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