Kathy Brasby Blog

Just a Simple Parking Place

This all started because I wanted to find a simple parking spot before the baseball game.  My son had invited me to attend a Colorado Rockies game. With the baseball field in downtown Denver, parking can be a challenge. So I got online and found a deal so that we...

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Not A Hoarder

I’m not really a hoarder but what do you do with that stuff you’ve been saving for a long time in a box you just discovered at the back of the closet? Aha, you relate. Theory A says that, if you haven’t seen the contents for a long time, just throw the box away and be...

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Need to Recyle a Pool Table?

I found our one and only pool table at a yard sale. Bargain time! Only $25 and I got the table, the balls, cue sticks, even chalk. The people at the yard sale were willing to deliver it. That should have alerted me.  My patient husband hauled the pool table home for...

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Trailblazing cakes

In those carefree BK (Before Kids) days, I imagined baking cute birthday cakes for future kids. My mom used to make little train cakes with gumdrop windows. The train cars perched on licorice rails with a green coconut base. So cute. I knew it was in my blood. I...

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Sometimes You Really Need a License

This story is true. I know this because the person who told it to me heard it from somebody who might have been part of the story. Or not. You know how that goes. But it’s a good tale so it ought to be true. This is the influence of the internet on our lives, by the...

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Goats in Love: Rocket Gets Distracted

If you've come along on some of my blog adventures, you know I live on a hobby farm with goats. Well, other living beings, too, but this story is about goats. Remember Rocket, the confused male goat? If not, go check out his story. Rocket has fantastic (code for odd)...

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How To Crash a TV

I am beginning to embrace the unique vibes of retro nerds. Retro isn’t necessarily my jam but you gotta try new things, right? Besides, those sweet people are passionate about their favorite retro item, and I might be able to use them. Er, learn from them, of course....

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How not to take a taxi

Our family has had some fantastic travel opportunities over the years, including spending a week in Cuba. Imagine that we took two teenagers and loads of video equipment into Cuba and didn’t lose anything. Although you could debate that. All week we had seen El Morro...

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When a Rabbit Drives Like a Turtle

In the days before I had much money or sense - OK, I was still in my 20’s, and that’s the best explanation I have - I got myself a poor person’s cruise control for my car. This was back in the days when you could drive a dinosaur or, in my case, a Volkswagen Rabbit....

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