Kathy Brasby Blog

Writing on the cloud

My first computer was an Apple II and I sprung for the newest innovation: two disk drives. In those days, there were no hard drives and, in a sense, saving data was simpler. Your program was one disk and the data on the second. It was easy to save a file to yet a...

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Why I quit talking to answering machines

To understand this story, you need to know about July heat in northeast Colorado, when the temperatures would melt dashboards and western skies flexed purple and green while threatening hail.  I worked at a farm implement dealership that year, in the middle of...

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Which character?

Thanks to a couple of star-gliding teenagers, our family has been lured into watching the most current Doctor Who television series from BBC.  Doctor Who is a science fiction series, continuing on and off since the 1960's, about a Time Lord who is able to cross time...

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An easy writer’s tool

A smartphone is a gift to writers and here's another reason why. We had just finished a guitar-led round of folk songs for the local nursing home when Mary turned to me. "Remember the old cassette tape recorders? That sure would be helpful when we learn new songs. We...

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Finding characters

I love a good story as well as any one and a good character is even better. So let me tell you about Barney. Just for the record, I have changed his name although he's passed on now. I worked with him over 20 years ago. I was still trying to get life figured out and...

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A New Look

Jeff Gerke, who changed the face of Christian fantasy/speculative fiction, has written a fascinating post about expanding his Marcher Lord Press titles to include A Throne of Bones, not your average Christian book fare. I've met Jeff and respect his faith and his...

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Good dirt

When both of my sons were boys, I sometimes intercepted their beeline for the supper table to ask if they had washed their hands.  Both of them would stare at their hands. "They look clean to me." Then they trudged to the sink for a nice scrub. They had spent the...

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When students write

The business of writing can get too serious at times. This list isn't original with me but it made me smile today. Maybe you, too?  From high school English tests: Define first person.  Adam Define metaphor.  Something you shout through Define simile.   A picturesque...

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NaNoWriMo is coming is less than a month. The acronym stands for National Novel Writing Month and the challenge is to write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. The first year I tried it, I came up with a novel idea on October 31 and began writing. Writing over...

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