Kathy Brasby Blog
Cleaning out the archive box
I knew things were going to get a little sticky when I uncovered an ink refill for a printer that I don’t remember owning. I had to crack open my archive box and I was finding interesting treasures. “Archive box” sounds fancy, doesn’t it? My archive box is a plastic...
Black cows and buttermilk
I know you know where chocolate milk comes from and that red cows don’t produce strawberry shakes. But rural people often laugh at the misconceptions that non-rural people have. Some of the simpler wrong notions include the idea that black cows give chocolate milk or...
The Bible: planning the meaning
The book of Jonah contains some amazing structure, showing the author did more than just write down what happened. He structured a story that carried an unexpected meaning. Let me explain something of the structure. The book has four chapters. Chapters 1 and 3...
That assumption about weeds
Assumptions are amazing things that can snag our ankles like runaway vines just when we think we’re getting up a head of steam. In small towns in rural America, reputation still counts. And this story is about an assumption tromping on a reputation. Charlie had lived...
The Bible: master storytelling
A few years ago, I was involved in a nonprofit fundraising event. In previous years, the director had presented the budget, the needs and the annual giving - the facts. But this time, we convinced her to contract a short video which captured a slice of the...
Online translators: “what?”
Today you can copy text, plug into an online translator, and have yourself a nifty set of words that might or might not make the slightest sense. For example, I heard one of a translation of the common idiom: “Out of sight, out of mind” translated to : “Invisible,...
The funny thing about cars
I’m not a big fan of car commercials because I really don’t think the right car will give me peace, bring my family closer together, or define my sophistication index. But I do like to tell car stories. Like this one. We were filling our car at a little gas station in...
The Bible: how context is vital
Last week we looked at recurring imagery in the Parable of the Wicked Tenant. Today we’re revisiting the same parable. We’ll look at how context is important and how the author developed his ideas using the parable as part of a panorama of meaning. The parable appears...
My video spinner
My teenage son wants to be a multimedia expert, which has thrown his mother into a bit of a spin. Can one pay the rent while making YouTube videos and designing websites? He’s 17 so of course one can. I suggested to him today that maybe he should have a backup plan....