Kathy Brasby Blog

Dark Biology – Bonnie Doran

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured....

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A great idea

Great ideas and I do this dance which sometimes is as smooth as a three-step waltz and sometimes as clunky as mashing your partner’s toes with barn boots.   The problem of how to light the candles may have sparked a clunky dance but see what you think.   I...

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The Bible: Betrothal

Most literature belongs in a particular genre and most genres have rules or conventions that govern the narrative. For example, if you were to read a romance novel, you’d expect the hero and heroine to meet in the first chapter. You’d expect, in spite of conflict,...

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The molasses spot

I had already wiped down the kitchen cupboards and was putting some muscle into swabbing down the ceiling when my husband came home from work. “Wow, you’re energetic,” he said, knowing my usual love for housecleaning matched my love for toenail pulling. I should have...

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The Bible: morphing into verse

The books of the Bible were written like most literature: in sentences and paragraphs. However, chapter divisions were added to texts in the 12th century, presumably to make things easier for scholars. The average person wasn’t reading the Bible at that time. Verse...

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Joy in the mud

I didn’t expect to get such a spirited free spirit as my youngest daughter grew. But she was the one who always saw things her way. For example, the dance in the mud puddle. We didn’t get rain much on our hobby farm but this soaker had left several large puddles in...

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The Bible: the story

I once sat through a 16-hour class in two days and figured it would take plenty of caffeine to keep me awake. I was wrong. The professor sat on top of his desk and seemed to rabbit-trail into a story at every opportunity. He gave us conflict and resolution, drama and...

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Defending ducks

These six ducks were to be the start of our duck herd and we were thrilled when three mamas crafted downy nests in the lean-to of our old barn. We counted down the days until the fuzzy ducklings would emerge from those eggs. Five days before hatching, we found all...

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The Bible: Job’s story

Many allusions come from Job’s story and yet we all wonder just what the meaning of the story is. We’re told, for example, to have the patience of Job but was he so patient? He didn’t deny God but he did some griping. What was the purpose of those friends and their...

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