Kathy Brasby Blog

Gift Wrapped

I admire those people who wrap their gifts with crisp corners and elegant bows. Those Christmas settings with deep red and green boxes under the tree, shimmering in style and beauty, inspire me. I just can’t wrap like that. When I get out the roll of wrapping paper, I...

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Donut danger

We’d found a small church with many children and a huge box of donuts available before the worship service began. Our 5-year-old son thought we’d found heaven. He had a free rein after Sunday school to play with his friends and sample the donuts. When the service...

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How not to take a taxi in Cuba

We were sightseeing on our last morning in Havana, Cuba after spending a week of meetings and travel. All week we had seen El Morro lighthouse and castle across the harbor and finally we found time to visit. From our hotel, we hailed a government-approved taxi which...

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Coming changes

I can change directions on a dime but I realize many don't enjoy change as much as I do. So I wanted to let my readers know that some changes are coming to this blog, including a new design. Stay tuned.

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The Bible: A Surprising Betrothal

We’ve looked at the betrothal convention over the last two weeks. The first story containing a betrothal - that of Abraham’s servant seeking a wife for Isaac - also adhered most closely to the guidelines. Other betrothals used many of the rules of the convention but...

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Sweet scents

Having shed the toddlers with Grandma and watched our husbands head out to the race track, my sister and I decided on one of those freer-spirit moments we’re good at. We decided this was a great time to try out some new scents at our local WalMart. Lots of sample...

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The Bible: Betrothals Tweaked

Last week we began a discussion about the betrothal genre in the Bible  with some basic guidelines laid out. Then we examined the first betrothal - that of Isaac and Rebekah - setting the conventions in place. The second betrothal is also found in Genesis but features...

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A great idea

Great ideas and I do this dance which sometimes is as smooth as a three-step waltz and sometimes as clunky as mashing your partner’s toes with barn boots.   The problem of how to light the candles may have sparked a clunky dance but see what you think.   I...

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The Bible: Betrothal

Most literature belongs in a particular genre and most genres have rules or conventions that govern the narrative. For example, if you were to read a romance novel, you’d expect the hero and heroine to meet in the first chapter. You’d expect, in spite of conflict,...

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