Kathy Brasby Blog

Making a list

The list came together one afternoon about a week after my dad’s funeral, when my mother, sister and I gathered for tea and brainstorming. “What do we need to do now?” I asked. We were all missing Dad, but he had passed at 90 after a year of increasing weakness and...

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Full immunity

I was in full homestead mode when our youngest was young, toting him as a baby around in a backpack, cell phone on my hip and goat feed loaded in the back of the pickup. In his first year of life, our son got to bond with the goats every day while I milked. I’d sit on...

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Stepping right out

I wasn’t this nervous during the birth of my first child or when I gave my first presentation in sophomore speech class. The day I started my running program was not a day for public consumption. I downloaded an app on my iPhone ( C25K Free) which promised to get me...

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Pushing the slopes

Our youngest daughter was a quiet baby until she gained mobility. Crawling opened up her world. It wasn’t long before neither trees or walls were an obstacle. Energy oozed from this child. So it made sense to me, when she was 4, to enroll her in ski school for the day...

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Just drain the waterbed

I knew I had an issue when I looked out the back door of my new office to see my trailer house rolling down the highway. I had been commuting 30 miles a day to the new job, waiting for a moving company to relocate my  little trailer house closer to my work. The nice...

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The brownie problem

I didn’t usually slice a sample of brownies as soon as they came out of the oven but I did this time. Good thing. The brownies were for our evening Bible study and they tasted like I had drug the eggs through the gutter. I shoved the pan aside and threw together...

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A potato discussion

Our younger son looked up from his computer to land yet another fun fact in the midst of the living room. “You know about that idea that putting a potato in an exhaust pipe of a car keeps the car from running?” Well, it hadn’t been the first thing that popped in my...

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Gag gifts

It was because of the many westerns we watched on TV that my brothers and I clamored for the whiskey challenge. Our father loved the western genre. Bonanza. Gunsmoke. Annie Oakley. Bat Masterson. Maverick. You get the idea. I was 13 when we moved to the farm where my...

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No lines

We had heard the best time to ski was on New Year’s Day because there were no crowds. That was true, for all the wrong reasons. Our group of 20-somethings arrived early at Winter Park, hauled equipment to the lodge, and began preparing. I discovered that the...

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