Kathy Brasby Blog

Chuck’s dilemma

Some jobs just don’t fit some people. Chuck’s crew had one of those projects where the construction happened on one side of a canal and the electrical power was on the other side. So Chuck was handed the 100-foot extension cord and instructed to get it hooked into the...

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Goats in love, part 2

Last week I wrote about  Goats in Love but it was only part one. Story number two may top it. Rocket, our daddy buck, spent a lot of time alone pining for his girlfriend. Now the girlfriend varied from week to week, but Rocket was always ready. Rocket's pad also...

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Goats in love

I’ve decided to declare this time as Valentine’s season for goats because, well, if you have to ask you may not understand. Of late, I’ve been seeing these adorable YouTube videos of baby goats cavorting with great joy. If you've seen those,  your appetite may...

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This is not another of those cute cat stories that make the Facebook rounds, largely because I think cats are as unfathomable as two-year-olds. Or teenagers. Clara the cat joined our family as the responsibility of our teenage son. Somehow the connection seemed...

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The Sherwood twins

It’s taken an amazing amount of time for me to realize that my sister is my twin. There are eight years and two brothers between us - which explains why this took me so long to figure out. I overlooked the more obvious: we’re the same height and our eyes are the same...

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Lord Scooter

After we moved onto our first little farm, we went shopping for a dog. Every farm needs a dog. Lord Scooter of Fairfield was our pick - a registered Cocker Spaniel offered free by the breeder because he was the last one left in the litter and she needed him to go to a...

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New Ebook Release!

   I've compiled some of my short stories about country life into a new eBook, The Overconfident Milk Truck and More Short stories. Click here to see the eBook site. The Overconfident Milk Truck is available in a ton of eBook formats, including epub and Mobi. You can...

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Grass jelly

Because my nephew was a tall strapping young man with a healthy appetite, we got to pop open the can of grass jelly. I had prepared the meal for our family plus my nephew but decided we might be a tad bit short of food. I knew he ate like a linebacker. So I scoured...

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The overconfident milk truck

All four of us kids were huddled around our old propane heater holding mugs of hot chocolate and surveying the snow outside. Yesterday’s blizzard had dumped a thick mat of snow that filled ditches and hid sidewalks. It had also forced the school buses to stay in the...

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