Kathy Brasby Blog

A moving story

The best thing about moving with children is the stories that sprout. Our move forced our kids to pack up their bedroom stuff. Not the furniture and not the clothes. But the toys and mementoes were their business. Our 6-year-old son embraced the challenge. He dragged...

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Facing mama cow

Sometimes you face your fears with determination and courage. Sometimes you face an angry mama cow the same way. Especially when the stick keeps breaking. My mother was always game for helping with the livestock on the family farm. We had a small group of black Angus...

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Valuable research

The Internet has proven to be such a valuable resource for amazing topics. For example, our 18-year-old looked up from his computer the other day. “According to research,” he said, “there is a right way to hang toilet paper.” “Did somebody pay money for this...

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A stopped heart

I knew I was dead. I was eight years old and neatly tucked into bed, sheet under my chin after my pillow fluffed.  Kiss on my cheek and the light dowsed. I was listening to my heartbeat as I drifted off to sleep. My heart slowed. Boom. Boom. And then it stopped....

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Naming the critters

The day I met my namesake out in the pigpen was the day I decided I wasn’t using people names for our livestock anymore. Our neighbor’s daughter liked to name their pigs after friends. Seeing a hog rooting in the mud and learning that her name was Kathy - well, that...

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Charlie’s reputation

Unstained reputations still matter to some folks in small towns and they don’t like shadows of shame when undeserved. So that’s why Charlie got in such a huff. I don’t think he minded that his name appeared on the police blotter. But the problem came when a new...

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Dad’s perfect gift

I remember the Christmas where Mom found the perfect gift for Dad. It was so perfect that he got two of: the one Mom bought and the one he bought five days before Christmas. As Mom put it, “He can just have two of them then.” She wasn’t smiling when she said it. That...

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Mutton Bustin’

The cowboys, with their sleek horses, found lassoes and saddles fall flat when dealing with sheep. We were at the county fair where the sheep had done their duty for the mutton busting contest, which featured the preschoolers riding sheep with helmets and...

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Maybe it is

Sometimes a mom needs to re-examine the smart remarks when the kids get older. Here's what I mean: Few things torque a tall teenage boy more than having to slide his long legs into a cramped front seat of a car. Or so it seemed when my son, all 6’1” of him, stuffed...

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