Kathy Brasby Blog

Stairway surprise

This ugly house had all sorts of surprises. The good ones included finding hardwood floors under the tattered carpet. The bad ones included finding the ceiling collapsed on the floor in the basement bathroom. Ugly houses are often that way, with surprises at every...

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Almost heaven

We were looking for a church home. Our five-year-old son was looking for heaven.Which he found at the church we visited. It had many children to play with plus a huge box of donuts sitting on a table, free for the taking. This was his definition of heaven. When the...

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About that treasure

Buying an old house is a little like the first vacation after you get married: you’re not really sure what you’ll discover there. But that hasn’t slowed my husband and me. I am referring to buying old houses. Our first vacation is so far behind us that we can actually...

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I have a friend who claims to love doing laundry. She’s still my friend, which, I hope, reveals a ton about my tolerance level. My children were all instructed in the operation of our washing machine so that, by the time they could climb, they could do their own...

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The calendar dance

If it wasn’t for Jeff Huddlestern, I might think my calendar was absolutely perfect. I am not one of those people who alphabetizes their to-do list and writes down the content of their chest freezer. But I do keep a meticulous calendar. Finding a calendar that synched...

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Gold bars

My rich uncle in Nigeria - the one who wanted to help me inherit the million bucks - appears to have abandoned me. So has the thoughtful lady who emailed me stating that my resume is so impressive that she’ll send me money just for laundering hers. That’s an...

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A magnificent cake dream

Our family has always dreamed of crafting those extravagant cakes like the Food Network highlights. Some of the kids invested time on 4-H cake decorating units. A 4-H project manual builds basic skills so unit one zeroes in a simple icing, a couple of tools, and a...

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About those eggs

I know you know where chocolate milk comes from and that red cows don’t produce strawberry shakes. But rural people often laugh at the misconceptions that non-rural people have. Some of the simpler wrong notions include the idea that black cows give chocolate milk or...

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Letting the idea pass

The secretary and I were the only two women working in this shop. There’s something about rubbing elbows with a bunch of guys with oil stains on their hands that can give you willies at night. The secretary was deathly afraid of mice. We’re talking...

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