Kathy Brasby Blog

When You Can’t Even Drink

A few weeks ago, I was teaching chicks how to drink. That probably makes no sense to you but baby chickens pop out of their eggs with no clue how to drink. When the hen is not in the picture, their human owner gets to fill in. Chicks are amazingly cute little beings....

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What Language Is That?

We have a great Mexican restaurant in our town called El Jacal. I had to find out what the name meant because I don't speak Spanish. What if I was ordering burritos in a place called The Sloth or The Dirty Laundry? You see my point. I looked it up. It meant The...

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Ack! It’s Money!

As we get better acquainted, you’ll know things about me that my kids may someday pay you to keep to yourself. This is a great reason to keep track of me. Think of it as retirement planning. Just fill out that email signup over there and the money may well come...

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When Butterflies are Sage

This blog is getting a reboot. I’ve tried to be serious and grown up, but I gotta go back to my roots: stories. I see the world in stories. I laugh at the goofiest things - and you might as well come along. This morning, my sister, the artist, showed me a new set of...

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When Good Decisions Take Us to the Dungeon

Leaders make decisions that are for the good of their tribe, based on clear goals. But what if those decisions land the leaders in trouble? We’ve been following the story of Paul and Silas as they were visiting the ancient Greek city of Philippi.* Paul’s goal was to...

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Are you prepared to offend?

How do you feel about offending someone? There are trolls in our society who revel in pushing other’s buttons, hoping to offend so they can enjoy the ensuing storm. But most of us avoid hurting others.  But is it ever necessary for a leader to offend? Let’s take a...

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Reviewing Jonah, The Leader Who Failed

I've finished the series about Jonah and his leadership style. We can learn leadership from those who do it backward, too. And Jonah did. He followed his own agenda and suffered for it. Here are the posts, in case you'd like to review: Who Is This Jonah and Why do We...

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Can a leader compete with magical thinking?

Once I was discussing superstitions with a co-worker who mocked anyone trusting in superstitions. “I just don’t get it,” she said. “Black cats. Ladders. All that stuff. I don’t get it. Except for spilled salt, of course.” Spilled salt? “Well, yeah, when you spill...

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